Emma Thompson once said, “I think books are like people, in the sense that they’ll turn up in your life when you most need them.”
This sentiment is perfectly embodied in the newly released books by Michael Ohene-Effah, author and co-founder of LeadAfrique International.
1. “Letter To My Grand Children” – A collection of short reflections on life, drawn from the author’s personal experiences, observations, and lessons.
2. “One-Der-Ful” – A comprehensive guide on transforming your life through one simple, actionable step, decision, choice, or action whether for better or worse, by ONE ACT.
Join Vickie Amoah and her guest on Sunny 88.7fm, Zoom or Facebook for this insightful discussion from these books on The Writers Blog Talk Show this Saturday June 22 at 1:00PM GMT.
For more details, contact 0552 535 036.
#TWB #BookReview
#Read #Write